Wednesday, November 4

the realist shit SHE ever wrote.

"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."
Eleanor Roosevelt

don't you just hate when you talk to certain people and all they talk about the same shit every time they hit you up or vice versa. like nigga...nigga...really nigga...really!? every time you hit me up i don't want to hear your whole life story, nor do i want to talk shit about other people. fuck other people. let's discuss politics or news, and not the whose dating who shit but real news about our community and shit like that. everybody so dense and close minded?? or am i just weird as hell?? like weezy, sorry for cussing.

and i digress.


Tuesday, November 3

i am ready.

"i am ready for love.
why are you hiding from me?
i'd quickly give my freedom
to be held in your captivity."
-india arie

dear love,
why do i keep myself at your mercy only for you to constantly lead me on and dissappoint me? you'd think i've learned by now but i haven't. maybe there is no lesson to be learned but an experience to be shared. i don't get you at all, but i'll blindly follow you wherever you take me.

Saturday, October 24

hi there.

my thought process absolutely annoys the fuck out of me. i can be in the car going somewhere and out of thin air i think of something clever to share with you guys but when i sit down to actually write, i draw blanks. no, this isn't one of those times. i just feel the need to update considering i haven't in months. nothing has been going on with me lately i'm still ,embarrassingly enough, stuck in the exact same rut i was in months ago. it's been a year and i've barely moved. well, i take that back. i have made the necessary steps in the general direction i want to go, it's just focusing on the task at hand that has me in a bind. therefore, i am here and not there. i really don't want to go into much detail seeing as though i always seem to get ahead of myself and i do very well believe in jinxing a situation. but i will leave you with that for a while until i'm comfortable enough to actually open up with the goings-ons of my life. i'm back in full half effect.

Tuesday, July 21

dot dot dot...

so as of late i really haven't been in the mood to blog about anything, the main factor is i'm pretty sure no one's reading this shit and the other factor: i don't have shit to blog about. but here's what went down recently if you're at all interested.

  • went to see beyonce, but i forgot to tell you guys about it. it was alright i guess.
  • my cousin turned 30 and we had a swimming party but i didn't partake in the swimming aspect, only the eating.
  • thinking about looking getting a job just so time flies faster.
  • never going back to chattanooga [hometown], it bores me to tears.
  • call me crazy but i haven't talked to any of my "friends" in a month and for some reason it feels normal.